Aftermath of the September 1999 slide on Mount Colden

After an extremely dry summer over all of the northeastern US, Tropical Storm Floyd tracked directly across the Adirondack region on September 16 and 17, 1999, deluging the region with several inches of rain. The extremely heavy rains washed down several new slides in the High Peaks region, and the accompanying high winds also blew down many trees.

This slide on Mount Colden is one of the most prominent slides that occured, obliterating any sign of a trail where the debris fell into the height of land in Avalanche Pass. The entire slide is about 200 yards wide, and a half mile in length.

Notice the pile of trees at the bottom of the slide when the image faces toward Wright Peak and the open valley. The trail was reopened later that fall, but the slide will remain a threat for winter avalanche problems for many years to come.

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